Human Resource Development a Provincial Priority

People, and the skills and talent they possess, constitute the most critical ingredient for development. In this regard, the human resources of the Province stand out as its primary capital in achieving its development goals and objectives. Here, the central concern is the extent to which the province can develop all its people to their fullest potential so that they can advance their own welfare, and can contribute to the welfare and development of their families, their communities and the province as well as the nation. National and provincial policies have highlighted the importance of people in development and have outlined a series of interventions in order to ensure that education and skills development contribute to building the required skills that are needed in the economy.

The province, in its Provincial Growth and Development Strategy (PGDS), has highlighted human resource development as one of its major goals, and, the Provincial Industrial Strategy, as well as the Provincial Spatial and Economic Development Strategy, have both noted the importance of human resources in attaining valued development objectives in the province. The role and importance of human resource development in preserving and advancing the welfare of people and the viability of the economy are recognized by all stakeholders, and many initiatives are being undertaken in order to ensure that the province benefits from the talent of its people.

When we refer to HRD in this context, we refer to all the efforts that are made and all the initiatives that are taken to educate and train people to undertake productive roles in society. We see the value of education and training from birth to retirement; in all its forms, formal and informal; and in all places where people are exposed to knowledge and acquire skills.

The ideals we have adopted as the foundation of HRD are as follows:

  • HRD is concerned with the development and welfare of people of all ages – from birth to retirement, from “cradle to grave”
  • HRD is seen as an essential vehicle for developing competencies and skills for economic development
  • But it is also seen as critical in building social capital and sustaining a cohesive society, in creating opportunities for people to advance their own welfare, and in promoting productive engagement for the betterment of society.
  • HRD is one component of human development and must therefore be integral to initiatives related to health promotion, poverty reduction, population dynamics and issues of social welfare in communities.
  • HRD is fundamental in promoting equity in opportunities for success in life which have been skewed by many factors, including gender, race, class, geography and socio economic status, among others.
  • HRD is the common thread in the fabric of development and serves as the basis of success for all other initiatives in the development agenda.


The purpose of the Academy is ultimately aimed at improving service delivery in the Province, through the vigorous and sustained transformation of the mindsets of the public servants themselves. It aspires to become the knowledge hub of the Provincial Administration with one of its objectives being to transform the administration into a learning organization where learning forms a critical part of every interaction that the public servant engages in. The Provincial Public Service Training Academy serves to build the capacity of staff in the public service to enable effective and efficient service delivery and thus improve the performance and quality of service rendered by KwaZulu-Natal civil servants to the public.
The Academy aims to affirm the ability of public servants to improve performance to levels that would inspire the public’ s confidence. Furthermore, it seeks to encourage pride and excellence in the public service, foster a sense of common purpose, values and traditions. The KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Public Service Training Academy will be a centre of excellence in learning and development. Its programmes focus on developing the competencies of public servants through the provision of need directed, competency based training and development programmes. In its quest to facilitate and co-ordinate Skills Development in the Provincial Administration.
The Academy performs the following functions:
• Skills Planning, Compliance and Monitoring
• Leadership and Management Development
• Generic and Transversal Training
• Curriculum and Materials Development and Quality Assurance
• Adult Education and Training in the Workplace
• Knowledge Management and Library Services
• Strategic Skills Development Projects
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