Office of the Premier KwaZulu-Natal  - | HIV & AIDS Chief Directorate |




Formed in 2005 through a Provincial Cabinet Resolution, we are known as the Chief Directorate of HIV & AIDS for the Province of KwaZulu-Natal. Our work revolves around providing technical support to the multi-sectoral response of HIV & AIDS, STIs and TB and our function are primarily guided by the “three ones” principles as follows:

One Coordinating Authority
One Plan
One Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Framework

The Province of KwaZulu-Natal resolved to implement the “three ones’ principle for a more guided and cohesive multi-sectoral response.

One Coordinating Authority
The Province of KwaZulu-Natal has one coordinating authority at Province, District Municipality, Local Municipality and Ward Levels in the form of the Provincial Council on AIDS, the District AIDS Councils, the Local AIDS Councils and the Ward AIDS Committees.

The Provincial Council on AIDS is the sole provincial coordinating body of the HIV & AIDS, STIs and TB response in the province. The PCA’s membership is made up of a cross-section of partners ranging from Governmental organisations to the traditional institutions of leadership. The Council is chaired by the Premier of the Province of KwaZulu-Natal. We provide secretarial support to the Provincial Council on AIDS.

We are the link between the provincial and the national multi-sectoral response through the Provincial Council on AIDS and the South African National AIDS Council.

One Plan
The Provincial Multi-sectoral Strategy for HIV & AIDS, STIs & TB Plan 2012-2016 (KZNPSP 2012-2016) is the sole guiding document for implementation of HIV & AIDS, STIs and TB activities. The plan contains all activities of implementing partners and was developed in alignment with the National Strategic Plan 2012-2016.

One Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Framework
The multi-sectoral response to HIV & AIDS, STIs and TB is guided one Monitoring & Evaluation Framework of the KZNPSP 2012-2016: The framework was developed along a set of agreed core indicators which are reported on agreed periods. We provide technical support on monitoring and evaluation and also ensure that the framework is implemented at all levels. The framework therefore is used to monitor progress of both the KSNPSP and the operational plan and all lower level structures report on progress using this framework.


KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government © 2013.