KZN Youth Fund

Youth Fund AD


The KwaZulu-Natal Premier, Mr. Thamsanqa Arthur Ntuli calls interested youth entrepreneurs in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal to apply for the fourth roll out of the Youth Empowerment Fund.

The fund is aimed at assisting deserving young people to kick-start and grow their business ventures in priority sectors and innovation. APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN FOR DESERVING; QUALIFYING AND INTERESTED YOUTH FROM THE 01st OF OCTOBER 2024 TO THE 29th NOVEMBER 2024 FOR THE FOURTH WINDOW OPENING OF THIS FUND.In order to access application forms and information, young people are invited to visit their Local and District Municipalities Youth Offices, Municipality LED Offices and KZN online website at Application forms to be dropped at your nearest Local or District Municipality. Emailed application forms will not be accepted. Communication will be limited to shortlisted applicants.

Alternatively, young people can contact the Premier's Office (OTP) on these emails:

Young people are advised to ensure that they have the following documents when making an application: For business startups (R20 000 to R50 000) applicants must attach a Business Plan, proof of address and company registration. For business expansion and growth (R50 000 to R2 million), applicants to attach company registration documents; proof of address, Tax Clearance Certificate, Business Plan and Financial Report.

An applicant should not have received or benefitted from government funding in the past three years. Alcohol, tobacco and illegal businesses are prohibited.

Apply now and take the first step towards making your business dreams a reality!

The KwaZulu-Natal Youth Fund Advert

The KwaZulu-Natal Youth Fund | Information

The KZN Youth Fund Application Form

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