Postal: Private Bag X76, Ulundi, 3838
Physical: 400 Ugagane Street, Ulundi
Tel: 035 874 5500
Fax: 035 874 5531/5589
Web: www.zululand.org.za
Area: 14 799km²
Description: Zululand District Municipality is situated in the north-eastern part of KwaZulu-Natal. The district comprises five local municipalities: Ulundi, Nongoma, uPhongolo, eDumbe and AbaQulusi. It is primarily a rural district. About half the area falls under the jurisdiction of traditional authorities, while the remainder is privately owned commercial farms or protected areas. Vryheid and Ulundi are two urban centres of note in the district, respectively serving as a regional service and a regional and provincial administrative centre. The town of Vryheid is a commercial and business hub, while Ulundi Town is mainly an administrative centre and also the headquarters of the Zululand District Municipality.
Cities/Towns: Louwsburg, Nongoma, Paulpietersburg, Pongola, Ulundi, Vryheid
Main Economic Sectors: General government (22%), transport, storage and communication (16%), wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (15%), finance, insurance, real estate and business services (11%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (10%), manufacturing (10%), community, social and business services (6%), mining and quarrying (5%), construction (3%), electricity, gas and water (2%)
Local Municipalities: