Postal: PO Box 11, Utrecht, 2980
Physical: 34 Voor Street, Utrecht
Tel: 034 331 3041
Fax: 034 331 4312
Web: www.emadlangeni.gov.za
Area: 3 539km²
Description: eMadlangeni Local Municipality (previously Utrecht Local Municipality) is an administrative area in the Amajuba District of KwaZulu-Natal. It is located 52km east of Newcastle and 68km west of Vryheid on the R34. Established in 1854, Utrecht is one of the oldest towns in KwaZulu-Natal. The land was bought from the Zulu King, Mpande. At the foot of the northern end of the Drakensberg, known as the Balele Mountains, this small valley, with the Inchuba River (Schoonstroom) running through it, was chosen by the then settlers for its beauty, peace and tranquillity.
Cities/Towns: Utrecht
Main Economic Sectors: Agriculture, industrial, tourism, service