Operation Sukuma Sakhe

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The origin of Masisukuma Sakhe, which is the motto on the crest of of the Provincial Government of KwaZulu-Natal, is taken from the Prophet Nehemiah 2:18, where he yearns to rebuild a city that has been destroyed. Operation Sukuma Sakhe then is a call for the people of KwaZulu-Natal to be determined to overcome the issues that have destroyed the communities such as poverty, unemployment, crime, substance abuse, HIV & AIDS and TB.

Downloadable Documents

OSSimplementation OSSimplementationZ OSScourse
Implementation Model
Guidelines for Coordination
English Version
Imodeli Yokuqalisa Ukusebenza
Imihlahlandlela YokuDidiyela
iSizulu Version
Community CareGiver 
Foundation Course


Community Partnership:
Operation Sukuma Sakhe has a 'whole of Government approach' as its philosophical basis. It spells out every initiative and how it links to initiatives being implemented by the different sector departments and the spheres of government...therefore delivery of services is required through partnership with community, stakeholders and government.

Operation Sukuma Sakhe is a continuous interaction between Government and the community to come together to achieve the 12 National Outcomes. We will encourage social mobilization where communities have a role, as well as delivery of government services in a more integrated way.

Government has structured programs which need to get as deep as to the level of the people we are serving. This is at ward level, translating to all 11 districts and all households in all 51 municipalities. Government humbly accepts that we cannot achieve this alone, but needs community's hands in building this nation together.

Additional Downloads

5 Year Review
  1. OSS 5yr Review (Size: 46.49 MB)
Directory of Services
  1. BRHC_Ugu_High res file (Size: 17.27 MB)
  2. BRHC_uThungulu_High res file (Size: 18.88 MB)
Household Guide English
  1. Household Guide 2014laser (Size: 26.76 MB)
Household Guide isiZulu
  1. Household Guide 2014laser (Size: 74.83 MB)
Learner Guide English
  1. OSS_Champions_Final_May14 (Size: 1.5 MB)
  2. OSS_INTRO_Final_Jan14 (Size: 2.73 MB)
  3. OSS_Module1_Final_Jan14 (Size: 3.83 MB)
  4. OSS_Module2_FINAL_Jan14 (Size: 9.27 MB)
  5. OSS_Module3_FINAL_Jan14 (Size: 13.02 MB)
  6. OSS_Module4_FINAL_Jan14 (Size: 16.14 MB)
  7. OSS_Module5_FINAL_Apr14 (Size: 7.58 MB)
  8. OSS_Module6_FINAL_Jan14 (Size: 6.5 MB)
Learner Guide isiZulu
  1. OSS_Champions_Final_May14 (Size: 6.01 MB)
  2. OSS_INTRO_Final_Jan14 (Size: 1.13 MB)
  3. OSS_Module1_Final_Jan14 (Size: 3.86 MB)
  4. OSS_Module2_FINAL_Jan14 (Size: 9.24 MB)
  5. OSS_Module3_FINAL_Jan14 (Size: 13.40 MB)
  6. OSS_Module4_FINAL_Jan14 (Size: 14.82 MB)
  7. OSS_Module5_FINAL_Apr14 (Size: 7.60 MB)
  8. OSS_Module6_FINAL_Jan14 (Size: 6.41 MB)
Operations Handbook
  1. OSS Operations handbook (Size: 8.26 MB)
Screening Tools
  1. A1 E Child Health Screening Tool (Size: 1.07 MB)
  2. A1 Z Screening Tools (Size: 595.84 KB)
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