Physical: 145 Chief Albert Luthuli Street, Pietermaritzburg
Postal: PO Box 3613, Pietermaritzburg, 3200
Tel: 033 897 4200/4547
Fax: 033 342 2486
The mission of the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Department of Treasury is to ensure equitable resource allocations for the province of KwaZulu-Natal, analyse and monitor government (provincial and local, including their public entities) revenue and expenditure, and instil prudent financial management and good governance.
The Department's goals are to create a spatially-based allocative framework for a balance between basic service delivery and growth of provincial economy, with the objectives of stimulating economic growth and employment creation through funding of strategic investment initiatives, and funding social needs in line with national norms and standards; develop a framework that will create opportunities for the participation of PDIs in the economy, with the objectives of providing funding instruments, and creating an enabling environment for government procurement to enhance opportunities for PDIs; ensure optimum financial and fiscal management, with the objectives of providing appropriate financial management systems, and maximising own revenue; promote good governance, with the objectives of providing a credible risk profile, auditing service delivery performance of spending agencies, and promoting a culture of zero tolerance for fraud and corruption; and optimise human resource development in the Department, with the objectives of providing effective and integrated administrative support to the MEC and the HOD, and providing efficient and effective legal, financial, logistics and IT support services to the Department.